Our Mission is Bringing Children Joy on Their Birthday!
Celebrate! RVA is a non-profit organization with a simple mission: to give disadvantaged children a memorable birthday celebration in a safe and fun environment.
We believe in love and joy and how that can impact the heart of a child. We believe that joy from something as simple as a birthday party can transform a child and impact their lives in countless ways. All children deserve to experience joy and be given the opportunity to celebrate their special day, no matter their circumstances. We host birthday parties for underserved children in Richmond who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to have a party for their special day.
Give Joy
We let children be children through the simple joy of celebration... Every child deserves a birthday party for their special day!
Julia Warren
F o u n d e r + e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r
When Julia Warren was 16, she experienced a profound moment that forever changed the trajectory of her life. After asking a child she was tutoring how old he was and when he was born - she was met with a simple yet stunning response: “I don’t know. I think I was born when it was cold out.” After grappling with how a child could not know something as simple as their birthday, i January 2013 Julia founded the non-profit, Celebrate RVA.
She currently serves as the Executive Director and is a firm believer in the power of a celebration and how joy can impact a child’s heart. Passionate about creating meaningful impact, Julia also works closely with corporate and small business sponsors to help create a culture of community, giving, and philanthropy. She has been named as one of STYLE Weekly’s 2019 Top 40 Under 40, The Prospect’s 20 Under 20, The Law Firm of Allen & Allen’s 2015 Hometown Heroes, and Richmond Inno’s Top 25 under 25.
Board of Directors
Caroline Logan, President of the Board | Hilton
Kelsey Leavey, Secretary of the Board | Dominion Energy
Jessica Lee Sorensen, Development Committee Chair | Virginia Commonwealth University
Reuben Essandoh, Board Member | Capital One
Meg Irvin, Board Member | The Hodges Partnership
Lizzy Reid, Chair of the Confetti Committee | Martin Agency
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